Theories of International Relations and Foreign Policy

Peace Research

International Organisations and European Security (NATO, EU, OSCE, UNO)

  Focal points  
Broader notion of security, Security Policy

German Foreign, Security and Military Policy

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detailed list of
teached courses

Current (Research) Projects:
l Social attitudes towards violence and perceptions of world (working title)
l The New European Security Architecture (NESA)
l “The political-economic approach to critical peace research by Ekkehart Krippendorff” in theory and application
Finished Projects
l Conflict, Development, Peace. Prospects of emancipation in a broken world (together with Dipl. Pol. Ingrid El Masry, University of Marburg)
l Working Group "Criticism of Military Policy" (together with Dr. Patricia Bauer, University of Osnabrück)
l Teaching and Research Project "Euro-Mil-Watch" (together with Sebastioan Mayer, European-University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder))
l Perceptions of Reality in international relations by the German Federal Government (1994)
l Security and Security-Policy of and for the united and sovereign Germany (1994-1995 together with Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf)
l On the way to a European Security-Identity? (1995-1997 together with Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf)
l Security in the global society. (In-)Security perceptions in society and political security discourses between the Nation State and global developments (1998 together with PD Dr. Klaus F. Geiger and Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf)
l Studies-workshop/ Archive of the FB 05 (1998-1999 together with Marco Rous)
